Together we can be the strong support system for those without one and reduce the number of survivors who are re-trafficked.

Surviving Human Trafficking

This video discusses the purpose of our non-profit and the urgency for meeting these unmet needs.

About Us

How We're Helping

We are a non-profit organization focused on helping survivors of exploitation reclaim their lives through open sharing and support.  With the help of our volunteers, we offer open support meetings for those who have already been rescued but still feel the need for continued support.

Get Involved

If you are passionate about what we're doing, let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to increase the number of our locations to offer support meetings nationally and eventually internationally.  This is a global issue and we welcome the opportunity to have you become part of our team!

Thank You

Whether you help through voluteering to hold support meetings, monetary donations, or through word-of-mouth, thank you. We wouldn't be able to expand our reach to those in need without supporters like you.

Help Us Help Them

Your generous gift will help fund our open meetings of sharing and support for the continued healing of these survivors.   Together, we can make a difference.

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

Contact Us

Get Involved!

Kalina O'Connor, Program Director

Kim's HTS Support Meetings, Inc.

(619) 627-0590


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed